STAYbowl™ Founders and Guinea Pigs Featured on ABC Detroit TV 7!

STAYbowl™ Founders and Guinea Pigs Featured on ABC Detroit TV 7!

We had a lot of fun this week being interviewed by TV 7 and TV 20 Detroit for their "Mom's a Genius" segment, which aired Wednesday and Thursday, and featured the story behind our STAYbowl™ Tip-Proof Bowl for guinea pigs and other pets. My daughter and I were also interviewed live yesterday morning on the TV 20 morning show. And one of our guinea pigs, Ginger, also made her live television debut during the guest appearance. You can see how relaxed she was in front of the cameras in this photo, where she is totally and completely "pancaked out."

The segment talks about how we came to invent the STAYbowl™, and the role our son, Sean, and daughter, Megan, and her two guinea pigs have played in our business.

In case you missed our blast on social media, here is a link to the video on WXYZ's website: WXZY-TV 7 Detroit



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