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Guinea Pig, Rabbit, Hedgehog and Small Pet News You Can Use

Guinea Pigs Cost More Than You Might Think

Guinea Pigs Cost More Than You Might Think

For some people, a guinea pig is a cute, impulse buy at the pet store. But it shouldn't be that way. These little, furry friends live for quite a long time -- typically five to eight years, and sometimes more! Over time, the cost can really add up. But then, so does the love. :-)

And as with any pet, a guinea pig is a lifelong commitment. Click on the link below for a really good overview of what you can expect to spend on a guinea pig -- about $200 to start. Even a free pet can end up costing a lot in the long run.

This HubPages blog titled "How Must Do Guinea Pigs Cost?" by Michelle is a must-read for anyone considering a guinea pig. Click here to read.

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